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Introduction to
Breast Asymmetry

Many women feel self-conscious about the difference in their breast sizes, which can make it difficult to find the right clothing and even affect their confidence. The good news is that there is a surgical option to correct this issue, called Breast Asymmetry. In addition to delivering a marked aesthetic improvement, this procedure often results in increased self-confidence and a more proportionate bust line. If you are looking for a way to restore an essential part of your body and self-esteem, you should consider Breast Asymmetry in Toronto, ON, at Aviva Cosmetic & Laser Clinic. Our team is ready to work with you. Call us today to learn how breast asymmetry surgery can benefit your health and well-being.

What is a Breast Asymmetry?

Breast Asymmetry correction surgery was developed to help women with visibly different breast sizes or shapes achieve a more even look. While no woman has identical left and right breasts, typically the differences in size and shape are very small and unnoticeable. In some women, however, these differences are more pronounced. Breast asymmetry correction surgery is recommended if the size difference is at least one cup. Typically, the left breast is the one that will need to be adjusted to achieve a more harmonious appearance.

What is Breast Asymmetry?

Who are the best candidates for the Breast Asymmetry procedure?

If you are overall quite healthy, a non-smoker, don’t have any major underlying medical issues and hold realistic expectations, you will be a good candidate for Breast Asymmetry in Toronto.

Women with breast asymmetry may experience one or more of these concerns:

  • Breasts of different sizes, one large and one small
  • One breast is positioned higher than the other on the chest
  • Drooping breasts, with one breast hanging lower
  • Smaller breasts–one smaller than the other
  • Areola and nipple characteristics that do not align (size, projection, bulge)
  • Overly large breasts–one larger than the other
  • Unusual breast shape or structure (tuberous breasts)

What are the benefits of Breast Asymmetry surgery?

Some of the benefits of a Toronto Breast Asymmetry surgery include:

  • More even and symmetrical breasts
  • Improved confidence and self-esteem
  • Evenly rounded, full breasts
  • Symmetrical, well-shaped nipples and areolas
  • Better fit in clothing (bras, swimsuits, fitted clothes)
  • Improved quality of life

To learn more about the benefits you would like to see from a Breast Asymmetry surgery, call us today to schedule a consultation with one of our surgeons.

What's the first step?

It’s about you
What’s the first step?

The first step to getting Breast Asymmetry surgery in Toronto is to schedule a consultation session. During this session, we will explain what the procedure involves and determine if this is right for you. Your assigned surgeon will assess your desired outcomes as this is an important part of knowing whether you are the right candidate for this surgical procedure. Your consultation session is also your opportunity to discuss any concerns or questions you have. Upon completion of the assessment, our specialists will be able to confirm the price for your procedure.

Before your surgery, we will provide you with a set of pre-operative instructions to prepare you for the procedure. This may include abstaining from blood thinners or fasting for a certain amount of time.

What's the first step?

What to expect on the day of Breast Asymmetry surgery

Depending on the cause of the asymmetry, our surgeons might use one or several surgical techniques to resolve it, including breast augmentation with breast implants, or breast reduction. They typically use the augmentation method for women whose larger breast represents the optimum bra size. In this case, they will likely place implants of different sizes in both of your breasts to ensure that they are similar in shape as well as size. Our surgeons usually recommend the reduction method for women whose breasts are excessively large.

On the day of your Breast Asymmetry surgery, the first step will be for the doctor to administer a type of anesthesia to minimize pain and discomfort. Your surgeon will then walk you through the procedure (or combination of procedures) as discussed during your consultation.

Below is an overview of what you can expect for each of the specific types of Breast Asymmetry surgical procedures.

Breast Lift

A breast lift provides a youthful, perky, symmetrical shape, and lifted, upward-turned nipples that provide an attractive, beautiful appearance.

Breast Reshaping

Breast reshaping is usually part of a breast lift. This procedure creates symmetry between the breasts by creating a round, beautiful breast shape, balancing the areolae, and aligning the nipples attractively.

Breast Reduction

Overly large breasts can be reduced and reshaped into a smaller, more symmetrical, and attractive shape. The breast reduction procedure balances breast position and enhances the shape and projection of the breasts for a more youthful appearance.

Breast Implants

Breast implants can be used to correct discrepancies in breast size and shape, and increase the round, full appearance. Breast implant size and volume are chosen carefully to provide harmonious breast symmetry. >

Breast Asymmetry recovery

Following your Breast Asymmetry surgery, our medical team will give you all the information you need during your recovery, to aid in your healing. We recommend arranging transportation to and from our clinic on the day of your surgery so your body can rest after the procedure.

You will be able to return home after your breast asymmetry surgery in Toronto. There will likely be drains installed to reduce blood or fluid building up as you heal. You will wear a compression garment which reduces swelling and helps your breasts maintain their proper shape as they heal.

You will need about two weeks to rest and heal after your procedure. Be sure to arrange for a friend or family member to help you at home while you’re recovering, as you won’t be able to lift anything or do your usual home chores while you’re recuperating.

Once you’re able to do sedentary work after a couple of weeks and eventually exercise again (after about three weeks), your body may feel recovered. However, your breasts will still be healing and settling for several months. Once the healing is complete, your breasts will settle into their final, symmetrical, beautiful shape and position.

Aviva cosmetic & laser clinic
How much does a Breast Asymmetry surgery cost in Toronto, Canada?

The cost of a Breast Asymmetry surgery in Toronto will vary depending on the type of breast surgery you will be receiving, whether you are getting a combination of techniques, and the type of anesthesia that will be administered. When you come to Aviva Clinic for a consultation, your assigned surgeon will examine your breasts, determine the best surgical plan based on your needs and goals, and set the price based on that. Call us today for a consultation to find out how much a Breast Asymmetry surgery will cost you.

How much does Breast Asymmetry surgery cost?

It’s about you
Why choose Aviva Cosmetic & Laser Clinic?

When you choose Aviva clinic in Toronto, ON, you are choosing to place your skin and body needs in the hands of our specialists who use the most advanced and cutting-edge treatments to make you look and feel good, and deliver excellent results. We believe in utilizing advanced and proven laser technology that works beautifully and makes a genuine difference in your life. Aviva offers today’s most advanced anti-aging procedures, medical aesthetics, and laser treatments. We also offer a range of specialized medical skin care products.

Our unique difference is that we follow a healthcare model when it comes to meeting your beauty goals. This involves a full-circle solution, from consultation to assessment to recommendation to treatment. We believe it’s important to understand your needs and goals first, and then fully explain our process for treatments and procedures, and allow you to continue your life with confidence in yourself.

Schedule your consultation

To schedule your consultation, call our office directly or request an appointment via the “Schedule Now” portal on our website, where you can choose a date and time to talk with one of our specialists. Our team is excited to meet with you and help you achieve the beautiful, radiant body that you have been longing for.

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Aviva Cosmetic & Laser Clinic